Voici Noël

A celebration of the coming of Christ to earth : the story of the incarnation from Genesis until the birht of Christ.

Vie sur Terre

Takes us in the steps of Christ, from his baptism until his entry into Jerusalem, to celebrate the most remarkable of lives on earth.

Chemin de Pâques

Takes us through Holy Week, from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem until his death and resurrection

Sing it with a choir

These works are available to choirs wishing to give a concert at key moments of the year.

The following tools will help you to prepare your project :

  • choral scores
  • mp3s for rehearsing each part
  • instrumental tracks
  • instrumental scores for those who would like to take up the challenge of performing with live music rather than a track

These cantatas have already been produced by a large number of amateur choirs in the French speaking world (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec, the French West Indies, Cameroun) with success These cantatas are achieveable for amateur choirs, potentially open to a broad public, and can offer a source of unity for interdenominational projects.

Please contact us for further information.